
Showing posts with the label Mayonnaise

Quick Eggless Mayonnaise Recipe at Home - How to make Eggless Mayonnaise

  Quick Eggless Mayonnaise Recipe at Home - How to make Eggless Mayonnaise Ingeridients: Oil - 2 cup Milk - 1 cup Sugar - 2 tablespoon Instructions: The first step is to take a blender jar and add one cup of milk in a jar then add one tablespoon sugar and half tablespoon salt. Slowly, a few drops at a time, pour the oil into the bowl while whisking constantly. Once the mayonnaise has started to thicken, pour the oil in a slow and steady stream. If the oil starts to build up at all, stop pouring and whisk the mayonnaise briskly until the oil has incorporated. Once all the oil has been mixed in, the mayonnaise should be thick and fluffy, with your whisk forming ribbons through the mixture. Season it carefully with fine grain sea salt. Add a small splash of water if you would like a thinner mayonnaise. Store your homemade mayonnaise in the fridge in a covered container for 3 days.